Mid-Century Modern Film & TV


Mid-Century Modern Film from 1958

No narration, no explanation, just effusive 1950s music and example after delightful example of modern furniture, architecture, and industrial design. Thanks Alina and free associate .

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The Retrofuturism of Woody Allen's "Sleeper"

Woody Allen’s “ Sleeper ” (1973) had such elaborate sets and costumes that the film ran behind schedule and came in over budget, even though the final cost was still only $2 million. ...An amusing bit of trivia from Sleeper’s IMDB page: after the movie was released in one country outside the USA as “Woody and the Robots”, Woody Allen inserted a clause in all of his subsequent contracts that his movies’ titles could not be changed by other parties.

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Wenger Furniture and the 1960 Presidential Debate

The candidates sat in Danish modern chairs conceived by Hans Wegner, the famous designer, and spoke from behind skeletal lecterns that resembled music stands and offered no place to hide. “The whole set was extremely modern, and that gave a sense of faith in the future,” recalled Carl Magnusson , a furniture designer.

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Polaroid SX-70 Film by the Eames

It presents the simple joy of photography and, without hyperbolizing or talking down to its audience, gives a comprehensive explanation of how the camera works. It wasn’t until the end that I learned that it was made by the Eames, but I probably should have known within the first few seconds.

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Mod Dot Dress on “Pushing Daisies”

I don’t expect to cover a lot of fashion on this site, but I thought this pattern worn last week by TV’s Anna Friel as Charlotte “Chuck” Charles warranted mention....

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Katharine Hepburn on Buying Furniture

Coming soon on MCM is a look back at the studio set of the great Dick Cavett Show. But first, here’s a little teaser. Katharine Hepburn gives us all some...

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