If good design is a balance of aesthetics and utility, the craft peaked in the years between 1945–1970.
This era of modernism hit the design sweet spot: functional beauty. Finding harmony between the natural and the manmade, designers made objects that serve their purpose with organic grace.
This site is a tribute to the mid-century modern movement as both a historical milestone and a living ideal, reflected in today’s best furniture, architecture, and design. Learn more »
the only markings are a ‘made in yugoslavia’ mark under the front seat lip and the remnants of a sticker whose writing wore off long ago. must be a knock off of similar designs coming out of denmark in the ’60s (?). as an aside, it was purchased for $30 many years ago at a junk store and is also part of a pair. perhaps my news year’s resolution should be to finally have it sanded, refinished & reupholstered. :)
i own two of the chairs included in this photo. do you happen to know any background on them?
Nice room!
the only markings are a ‘made in yugoslavia’ mark under the front seat lip and the remnants of a sticker whose writing wore off long ago. must be a knock off of similar designs coming out of denmark in the ’60s (?). as an aside, it was purchased for $30 many years ago at a junk store and is also part of a pair. perhaps my news year’s resolution should be to finally have it sanded, refinished & reupholstered. :)